Ask a Psychic: Can This Marriage Be Saved?


This week’s question comes from a woman whose marriage has suffered a series of what seem like insurmountable setbacks over the past two years.

She and her husband have been separated for more than a year, after confirmation of his earlier infidelity. She’s filed for divorce and has tried to go through the motions of moving on, but is struggling with that decision.

She still loves her husband and he says he loves her and wants to try again, but hasn’t taken steps to make that happen. In fact he hasn’t kept any of the promises he’s made.

Free Cosmic Card Reading: Pick a Card!

What does the next lunar cycle hold for you? Which planetary influence will be most significant for you with the upcoming Aries New Moon?

Relax and choose one card and then post your answer in the comments section below.

The results with your specific message will be displayed prior to the next New Moon, which is in Aries — the first sign of the zodiac. This New Moon — at 28° Aries 55′ — occurs on Saturday, April 18, 2015, at 2:57 pm (Eastern time).

The Sabian symbol for this degree is: “The Music of the Spheres.” It refers to aligning yourself with a higher power — whatever that might mean for you — and following your own unique path. It also refers to the need to listen to (and heed) your inner voice.

The following 10 Cosmic Cards include each of the 8 planets (excluding the Earth) as well as the Sun and Moon — the  main ten bodies astrologers look to in analyzing a chart.

Ask a Psychic: How Can I Enhance the Positive Energy in My Life?

Spiritual Path

This week’s question comes from a client who’s become increasingly aware of the role that each of us play in creating the lives that we desire.

She’s begun to follow her own spiritual path; immersing herself in various metaphysical studies and opening up to spiritual teachings on-line and in her community.

She’s been inspired and encouraged by the results she’s already achieved. But she also feels that she could be doing something more.

She’s looking for greater meaning in her life and also wants to use what she’s learned to help others.

Ask a Psychic: Is it Time to Move On?

This week’s question comes from a woman who was blind-sided when her live-in boyfriend pulled the plug on their relationship on the eve of their engagement.

She’s since moved out into her own place a few miles away — taking their dog with her, which is one thing that has kept the two of them in ongoing contact as they’re sharing custody for now.

She feels like her life is in limbo, despite having made new friends and gotten involved in different community events as well having taken steps to disconnect emotionally.

But it’s been hard for her as the ongoing contact makes it difficult for her to detach completely. In the meantime, she’s considering moving back to her hometown where she has a large support network of family and friends.

Ask a Psychic: How Do I Know Where I Stand?

This week’s question comes from a woman who’s been seeing a man she met on a popular dating website for the past four months.

While they’ve been seeing one another semi-regularly, he does make a point of reminding her how much he loves his freedom. While he hasn’t expressed a desire to become exclusive, he has expressed jealousy over the prospect of her seeing others.

She feels like she’s getting a lot of mixed messages from him. She also wonders if there is a potential for things to develop into a more serious relationship or if that prospect will continue to be just out of reach.

Psychic Clarity


Have you ever been afraid to ask a psychic for clarity?

Don’t ever worry about asking a question or offending a psychic.’ You ask because you want to understand. I never see questions as offensive or insulting. You want clarity and that is why you come to us.

Just like a doctor or lawyer, psychics and mediums are learned experts in their field. Real psychics, real mediums will never feel threatened by your questions.

We do hope that you will ask with respect and not in a confrontational manner, since there is never an excuse to be just plain rude. Asking a psychic if they are ‘connected’ is rude.

Ask a Psychic: Can This Marriage Be Saved?


This week’s question comes from a woman whose marriage has suffered a series of what seem like insurmountable setbacks over the past two years.

She and her husband have been separated for more than a year, after confirmation of his earlier infidelity. She’s filed for divorce and has tried to go through the motions of moving on, but is struggling with that decision.

She still loves her husband and he says he loves her and wants to try again, but hasn’t taken steps to make that happen. In fact he hasn’t kept any of the promises he’s made.

5 Things to do if You are Single on Valentine’s Day

Romance? Who needs it right? With all the marketing, candy, flowers and a bombardment of romantic comedies on television, it can be a harsh reminder that you are still single, or maybe not.

You may have decided to embrace being single and have chosen it as a lifestyle, there is nothing wrong with that either.

However if you are feeling sad about it you can change that feeling into something more positive and change the way you look at your life.  Here are five ways to celebrate your singleness during Valentine’s day. the year’s most romantic holiday.

When Psychic Readings Fail

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’ve had some experience with psychics and psychic readings.

And if you’ve had more than a few, chances are good that you’ve seen how some predictions pan out while others fail. If you’re wondering why, then this article is for you.

While sometimes it’s a matter of finding the right “fit,” and sometimes it’s about forming a connection that is immediately verifiable, more often than not the odds of your psychic reading failing or succeeding are largely dependent on you.

Some clients want a straight up “yes or no” answer. They come in saying they have a “quick question,” which as often as not turns out to be very complicated.

Some want their psychic to “prove a connection” (and then follow that up with a question that even they don’t know the answer to, which means that a connection is impossible to prove based on those parameters).

New Feature: Ask a Psychic


This week we’re pleased to announce a new Spiritual/Intuitive advice column that will be a regular weekly feature of the Psychic Scoop.

We’ll be hand selecting and responding to questions submitted by our fans on a variety of topics.

Are you having problems in your relationship, undertaking a significant life change or perplexed by a family member?

All of he psychics, astrologers, intuitive healers and other specialists will take turns responding to questions each week in the published column.

Unlocking and Developing Your Psychic Talents

psychic talents

Everyone possesses clairvoyant skills, including you. Your skills must be reawakened through efforts of learning/study, practice and exercise.

While some seem to show and use their skills at a younger age, it is simply because they are remembering their skills from past lives sooner, acknowledging them and putting them to use.

Just like any other sense you are born with, if you do not use it, you will loose it.

The more you practice/exercise your skills the sharper they become and the more easily accessed.

How exciting to know your psychic skills and abilities are already there! You must just open yourself up to them and begin to explore what ‘tool’ draws you to be able to tap into your ability.

I was taught long ago to find what you feel best at and hone your skill there. That does not mean you cannot use or develop several methods; but everyone finds what tool they prefer best and that seems to be the ‘key’ which unlocks their psychic abilities.

The Time Frame Trap – Are you Participating in the Prediction or Sitting on the Sidelines?

Time Frame trap

I received a message the other day from a client who had a very interesting question. She wondered if one were to dwell on a time frame that they were given, if it might have an effect on the outcome or even make said prediction and time frame NOT come to pass.

Most questions I receive start out simple enough. Will I move? Will I start a new romance? Will my ex and I reconcile? Will I get a job/promotion? You get the idea.

The conundrum is if I get a yes answer, the invariable next question to myself as well as most if not all other readers is, “When do you see that happening?”

I practice horary astrology, so, timing can be done by looking at the significators in the chart and determining their position or degrees away from each other and when they would perfect their aspect.

There are other forms of timing in horary, but I won’t bore you with the specifics.

I also look at one’s natal chart and the transits, lunations and progressed Moon that may trigger an event. Here is where things may get tricky. Once a time frame is given, what is the client to do with it?