Numerology Card of the Week — Perseverance

4The Numerology Card of the Week

for Oct 22nd to Oct 28th , 2016

Number 4 ~ Perseverance.  This card indicates a time to keep moving forward as you strive to achieve your hopes and dreams because despite your current challenges, success is well within your reach.

You are never given more than you can handle, and you have the strength and ability to make it through.  So face your challenges head on with determination, courage, and faith.

With perseverance and persistence, you can make your dreams come true.

By drawing this card you are being encouraged to cultivate mental resilience and stability, since calm and stable mind creates a calm and stable life.

Make yourself aware of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are currently influencing you, and muster up the strength to develop a positive state of mind.

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: Oct 17-Oct 23, 2016

Eight of Swords

This week you may need to think about your own limitations, and how you’ve contributed to the obstacles that stand between you and your goals.

The Eight of Swords — this version from the World Spirit Tarot — speaks of self-imposed obstacles and restrictions. You may feel powerless in your current circumstances and may be so caught up in blaming the people or events that have brought you to this that you’re unable to see a way out.

You may feel like you’re beating your head against a wall or like all of your efforts are being met with resistance. You may question whether the Universe is telling you to fight or to accept defeat — although neither of these is going to be the right course of action.

Although the woman in this card is bound and blindfolded, and although it may seem like there’s no way out, if you look around you can see that things are not nearly as bad as they seem. She’s got the light of the full moon to guide her and a path laid out before her with a clear way out. Of course she’d have to untie herself and remove her blindfold to see it too.

Numerology Card of the Week — Surrender

91The Numerology Card of the Week

for Oct 15th to Oct 21st , 2016

Number 91 ~ Surrender.  This card indicates a need to surrender your attachment to a particular situation or preferred outcome, because your inability to let go is impeding your success.

Desperation blocks manifestation; therefore, the more you struggle to attract your desire, the more you push it away.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to detach from  the situation and surrender the outcome to the Divine.

In order to attract what you want, you must give the Universe space to deliver your request.  This can only be achieved by getting out of the way so that everything can unfold as it should.

It isn’t your job to make it happen; it is simply your job to allow it to happen.  When you surrender the outcome to the Divine, you let the magic flow.

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Wands

eight of wandsTarot Card of the Week: Oct 10-16, 2016

Eight of Wands

The card I’ve chosen for this week is the Eight of Wands from one of my new favorite decks, Paulina Tarot, by Paulina Cassidy.

I love the softness of her drawings, but am pulled in by the unique designs. The young lady on this card, a combination of Victorian and Mystical, seems to be rushing along but has her feet on a wand to keep her balanced.

The general meaning of this card is swift action over short periods of time. News, communications, phone calls and letters, usually messages coming fast. It can also refer to air travel. If this card is in reference to a person, it is often someone that is connected to a love of nature, gardening and flowers. It signifies hope of a change for the better.

Since this card indicates fast moving energy, it also means you may need to harness that energy so it doesn’t get out of control, but instead keep a good balance.

The eight of wands represents The Lord of Swiftness. Its element is Fire, the season is Spring and the direction is South. For the Zodiac, it represents the fiery signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

The herb is Sassafras which was used medicinally for healing wounds, acne, urinary disorders and to bring down fevers. It is also used in the making of beer and tea. The number Eight, while often referred to as a number of career and finance, also shows us from the shape, to mean balance.

Numerology Card of the Week — Moderation

moderationThe Numerology Card of the Week

for Oct 8th to Oct 14th , 2016

Number 14 ~ Moderation.  This card indicates a need to exercise restraint and self-control in every area of your life.

Perhaps you are over eating, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, over medicating or taking drugs, over spending, exercising excessively.

Or maybe you are consuming too much sugar or coffee, gambling, or otherwise overindulging or engaging in obsessive or aggressive behavior.

If so, this card serves as a gentle and loving reminder that behaviors such as these can delay the manifestation of your dreams.

This card also indicates a need to balance your desire for freedom and adventure with your responsibilities, because by honoring your commitments, you will prevent the build up of karmic debt.

Tarot Card of the Week: Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Tarot Card of the Week: Oct 3- 9, 2016

Four of Pentacles

This week you want to think about what it is you might be holding onto too tightly, and more importantly why.

The Four of Pentacles can refer to a hoarding mentality, a poverty consciousness and a resistance to change. All of these end up creating blockages in your life, where your fear of letting things go can prevent new things from coming in.

The cat in this card is not only protecting his territory (by sitting squarely on top of it), his ears are perked up and pulled back, a clear sign that he’s alert and guarded against any sign of danger.

The pictures on the front of the box tell you his treasures are well worth protecting — as any cat could tell you. There’s a pitcher of milk, a fish, a bird and a butterfly. But notice how the box is closed up so tightly that nothing else (a little field mouse perhaps?) could possibly get in.

Notice the landscape behind him. There’s a great big old world out there and what cat wouldn’t like to explore it?

But this one can’t — he’s stuck where he is because he doesn’t want to run the risk of leaving his hoard unattended.

Tarot Card of the Week – The Fool

FoolCard of the Week: Sep 26 – Oct 2, 2016:

The Fool

You’re only given a little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.
~ Robin Williams

The Fool of the Witches Tarot deck is on a ledge, his foot so very close to the edge we feel almost scared for him. There is his trusty dog, a representation of the universe that is keeping him on the path.

The Fool looks up, and doesn’t care where he is going but he is happy in the moment.

 The Fool in the major arcana of the Tarot, is numbered zero, which is the number of unlimited potential and unlimited possibilities. It can be considered the first card in the deck or the last, doesn’t really matter where he falls.

If you look at the card you can see the fool doesn’t seem to care where he’s been or where he is going, but he is jubilant and carefree. He doesn’t care what is behind him or in front, but only about the present moment.

When you see the Fool in a Tarot reading it represents a need to change things, to start fresh, or take a different direction.

This card is all about personal growth and development which means sometimes taking risks, not looking where you are going, but simply plunging in.

Tarot Card of the Week: Six of Scrolls

Six of Scrolls

Tarot Card of the Week: Sept 19 – Sept 25, 2016

Six of Scrolls

This is a time when wisdom meets hopes and dreams. The elephant in this card portrays that which is ancient and wise and the knowledge which a person like this can bestow on you.

Keep your ears open this week for one such as this because it seems as if they have something very wise and nurturing to give you in the form of words and knowledge.

There is almost a spiritual connotation to this card — the Six of Scrolls from the beautiful Chrysalis Tarot — as the colour purple surrounds the elephant (giver of wisdom and knowledge).

You may find that you go within yourself to draw out that which is wise and strong… that which you always knew. With this knowledge a transformation takes place within you.

The point where the woman in this card touches the elephant’s forehead with her own is where the 6th chakra lays. This is where psychic information flows in and out and relays that the knowledge and wisdom you attain does not need to be from books but is simply “known” by you.

Tarot Card of the Week: Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Tarot Card of the Week: Sept 12-Sept 18, 2016

Four of Wands

This week’s card is the Four of Wands from the Fairy Tale Tarot deck;  here we see Jack descending the famous beanstalk.  The beanstalk symbolizes success, upward mobility, growth and inspiration and Jack (clad in purple, the colour of wealth and gutsiness) is heading back down, carrying his bag of goodies.

The lady bug perched on the leaf symbolizes luck and success and the many tendrils and glowing wands signify that many other fortunate paths and opportunities lay ahead.  The crow, however, also warns Jack that he has to take a rest and enjoy his hard earned loot from the land of giants.

Four of Wands: a sense of homecoming

This card is all about that magical sense of, “WHEW! I made it”  a sense of homecoming.  One of the most positive cards in the traditional tarot, the four of wands indicates stability, harmony peace and prosperity.  The work has been done and you can take a deep breath and enjoy the celebration of your life.  Be proud of what you have accomplished , and allow that feeling of peace and satisfaction to settle in your heart as you get home from your own beanstalk adventure this week.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Tarot of the Week: Sep 5, 2016- Sep 11, 2016

Eight of Pentacles

Tarot Card of the Week: The Eight of Pentacles  – Raising the Bar to Achieve a Dream.

This week, you might be raising the bar to achieve a dream and hammering away at obstacles to achieve success.

The planet Mercury is retrograde in the zodiac sign of Virgo and you might be dealing with Murphy’s Snafus (unexpected obstacles).

Just keep hammering away and don’t give up on your dream.

On the bright side, Mercury Retrograde is the time when we turn our thoughts inwards and we are more tuned into our intuition!

The Eight of Pentacles is all about entering the apprenticeship phase. In the upright position, this card means you raised the bar to achieve success.

The obstacles of the past will be history because you hammered away at the work load and did not give up.

The Eight of Pentacles is associated with the planet Mercury (how the mind works) and the zodiac sign of Virgo (the combination of Mercury in Virgo makes you work hard and pay attention to details).

Tarot of the Week: Two of Swords

two of swordsTarot Card of the Week: Aug 29 – Sept 4, 2016
Two of Swords

This week’s card is the Two of Swords from the Mythic Tarot.  It’s a card about difficult choices.

In this card the man and the woman represent choices you may need to make this week. You could find yourself in the middle trying to make a decision that will avoid conflict in your life.

The suit of Swords in the Tarot is associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict.  An action you take could be constructive or destructive.

Swords are tricky as they can also mean hatred, enemies, battles at work or at home.

The Two of Swords therefore serves as a reminder that life’s decisions are frequently quite difficult and raise the possibility of painful consequences.

However, you must “take the bull by the horns” and make your decisions with your best intentions, fully aware of the possible consequences. Avoidance will ultimately lead to a greater conflict.

Tarot Card of the Week; The Hierophant

HierophantTarot of the Week: Aug 22 – Aug 28, 2016
The Hierophant

This wonderful card from the Housewives Tarot represents the Hierophant.

Back in the old days when we needed information, we could consult our programming guide and then switch on one of these big huge RCA TV sets and we could watch those cathode ray tubes come to luminous life; transmitting information, news and entertainment right into our living room.

The Hierophant brings important information

No need to adjust your rabbit ears or wiggle your antenna for better reception because this week information is coming to you, the message will be loud and clear- but are you willing to look at the information and take it in even if it’s not what you expect or want to hear?

The element of this card in focus for the week is that of knowledge, of expanding information, of getting answers and truths. You’ve been searching for answers and now you’re finding information and clarity in the very things that have impacted you most and are especially relevant.

Information comes in different ways

New information could come to you in conventional ways (and good old fashioned study and educating yourself) or through information you research on your own,  but it might also arrive in the form of an intelligent and helpful mentor or friend who helps you on your way.