
Tarot Card of the Week: The Star

Mary El Tarot

The StarTarot Card of the Week: Sep 11 – Sep 17, 2017

The Star

On the heels of recent events that may have seen us questioning our options and perceptions, comes a reminder that even in our darkest hours there is still room for hope. There’s still compassion, redemption and the promise of salvation.

The Star card — from Marie White’s stunning Mary-el Tarot — brings this reminder to life, with the Star taking an angelic form and spreading the love out over a sea of humanity.

The angel figure in this card glides through, above and among an infinite crowd of nameless / faceless beings. She is above them and at one with them at the same time. A unicursal hexigram is imprinted on her gown and the stigmata markings of Christ are imprinted on her skin.

The human figures in this card spread out as far as the eyes can see, becoming one with the landscape and the angel herself. You can see their forms becoming less and less distinct as they blend into the hills and valleys that stretch back toward the horizon.

As Venus moves forward to conjunct the North Node, we may be thinking more about how we are all apart of one another. This transit is associated with communion, compassion and unconditional love.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Star

Sorcerers Tarot - Star

Tarot Card of the Week: April 4 – April 10, 2016

The Star

Coming on the heels of last week’s Ten of Swords, what a treat it is to see such an uplifting symbol of hope and inspiration that is seen here in the Star card.

As Venus moves through the last degrees of Pisces — along with the Moon as it completes its 28-day cycle (in anticipation of the New Moon on the 7th) — what better card to describe the illuminating thoughts and ideas that are running through your mind… or should I say gently coming to the surface of your thoughts in a way that is so clear and calming that you wonder why you didn’t see them before.

Any problems you have been having that you’ve been finding it difficult to find yourself clear of may start to take on a life of their own today as they fall back and you enjoy the inspirational and creative aspects of the Moon and Venus in Pisces.

The woman in this card is transfixed on a multi faceted Star which hovers above her open hands. She appears to be almost in a trance as she reflects on the glowing Star before her.

This is a time when you don’t have to push for answers, ideas or actions… it is a day to just sit back and daydream to the surface what you have for so long been trying to get to the bottom of.