Capricorn New Moon Card Reading: Results

As promised — here are the results for the Capricorn New Moon Card Reading that was posted on December 26th.

If you haven’t had a chance to pick a card, run over to our Facebook Fan page and select one before you read any further.

You can also select a card from the original New Moon reading post, which was published on December 26th..

This month’s results are posted below. These cards reveal your specific message for the Capricorn New Moon that takes place on Thursday, December 29th at 6:53 am UT (1:53 am EST).

This New Moon occurs at 7°Capricorn 59. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “Birds in the house singing happily”

The following cards represent nine different areas of focus. They’re tied to the Moon’s conjunction to the planets as she moves through her 28-day lunar cycle.

The messages outlined below were derived from the Sabian Symbols, which were devised by medium Elsie Wheeler and astrologer Marc Edmund Jones in 1925.

Here are the interpretations for each of the positions, starting with card 1:

Card 1 — Moon conjunct Venus

If you picked this card, the energy of the Moon conjunct Venus will resonate with you during this lunar cycle. This aspect occurs on Januar 2nd at the 29th degree of Aquarius.

The Sabian Symbol or this degree is: “A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.”

This symbol is especially powerful coming at the beginning of the New Year, when so many of us are focused on putting the past behind us and turning over a new leaf.

It represents metamorphosis and transformation, shedding one’s skin, coming out of one’s shell and being reborn.

With respect to the Moon and Venus — the two most feminine archetypes — this aspect refers to the ability to embrace love, beauty and harmony and to tap into your own unique creative potential.

You may have been feeling overly self-protective in recent weeks, or feeling like you want to “break free” but have just not been ready. This card says the time to surrender the past, open your wings, and prepare to soar to great heights is Now.

Card 2 — Moon conjunct South Node

If you picked this card, the energy of the Moon conjunct the South Node, which will take place at the 7th degree of Pisces on January 3rd.

The Sabian Symbol for 7 Pisces is: “Illuminated by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea and mist.”

Sometimes we may feel like our faith has taken a beating or that we’ve made sacrifices no one else can see. This card speaks of finding solace in the things we believe in, even when we feel that the rest of the world has let us down.

The mist in this symbol speaks of confusion and uncertainty. But the shaft of light illuminating the cross brings clarity and perspective. It shines a light on what is most important to us and on where we need to focus.

You may be coming out of a period of grief or you may be mourning a loss of another kind. But this card encourages you to not only keep the faith but to focus on the light.

This is a time for re-evaluating your ideals and belief systems. As the South Node is tied to letting go of the past, this aspect is invites you to put it firmly behind you and look toward the future.

Card 3 — Moon conjunct Chiron

If you picked this card, the energy of the Moon and Chiron will resonate with you during this cycle. This aspect occurs on January 4th at the 22nd degree of Pisces.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “A man bringing down the new law from Sinai.” Of course we think of Moses and the 10 Commandments when we look at this symbol. But it can refer to many different kinds of “new laws,” both personal and Universal.

It speaks of changing attitudes and perceptions to accommodate the ever-changing world in which we live. There is a need to look to a higher power — or access our own higher minds — to find the best way forward.

This symbol is especially meaningful the start of the New Year. In this respect it applies to promises we make to ourselves, in the form of New Years resolutions.

Bringing forth new laws requires us to break down old ones. And while you may be called upon this month to adhere to a new set of rules, remember that it’s you making the rules now and laying down some laws of your own.


Card 4 — First Quarter Moon

If you picked this card, the First Quarter Moon will resonate with you during this cycle. This transit occurs on January 5th at the 16th degree of Aries.

The Sabian symbol for this degree is: “Brownies dancing in the light of the setting sun.Brownies are said to be helpful nature spirits, unseen by humans but always there to lend a helping hand. There’s a playful exuberant quality about the prospect of them dancing in the light of the sun, much like that of the young girl in this card.

In a similar way, the Moon in Aries is lively, free-spirited and adventurous. It’s wide-open to to the world of possibilities, facing whatever comes its way without fear or trepidation.

This is going to be a time for getting in touch with your inner child. With being joyful, playful and spontaneous, and with seeing the small blessings that are bestowed on you as unexpected miracles.

As we move into the new year you want to remember that there are unseen forces all around you, guiding you toward your future. Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate them along the way.


Card 5 — Full Moon

If you picked this card, the energy of the Cancer Full Moon will resonate with you during this lunar cycle. This takes place on January 12th at the 23rd degree of Cancer.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A meeting of the literary society.” It refers to the gathering together of like-minded people for the purpose of exchanging information.

This particular Full Moon is also part of an exact (partile) t-square with Jupiter (the planet associated with disseminating information and accessing the higher mind) at the apex.

This month may see you connecting with people whose new and exciting ideas open unexpected doors for you. It’s a time of broadening your horizons — mentally and spiritually as well as socially.

You may find yourself sharing your own unique perspective this month as well. You may be teaching, lecturing, blogging, writing a grant or proposal, or otherwise just sharing your ideas. It’s all about a meeting of the minds, but getting there involves give and take, which opens those doors both ways.


Card 6 — Moon conjunct the North Node

If you picked this card, the energy of the Moon conjunct the North Node will resonate with you during this cycle. This takes place on January 15th at the 6th degree of Virgo.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “A merry go round.” This symbol fits the North Node contact so well, as the Nodes represent karma — both reaping and sewing — and the merry go round conjures up images of going in circles or repeating the past.

You may feel that life has been a whirlwind in recent weeks or that things are moving so quickly that you don’t have a chance to slow down. You may also be wondering if you’re making any progress in some areas of your life — or if you’re stuck trying to resolve the same issues over and over again.

The Moon’s conjunction to the North Node automatically opposes the South Node, reminding us that history does continuously repeat itself, even when the landscape is constantly changing. As the North Node represents lessons you’re learning and progress you’re making, now is the time to put an end the cycles that no longer need to be repeated.


Card 7 — Moon conjunct Jupiter

If you picked this card, the energy of the Moon conjunct Jupiter will resonate with you during this cycle. This aspect occurs on January 19th at the 23rd degree of Libra.

The Sabian symbol for this degree is “A chanticleer’s voice heralds the rising sun with enthusiastic tones.”

This symbol is all about an eagerness to greet the future with confidence and enthusiasm. It’s about being wide open to new experiences, knowing that the Universe will open doors that you never dreamed possible.

The Moon / Jupiter cycle is first and foremost about expanding your horizons. It’s about stepping outside your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories.

The chanticleer reference speaks of offering your intentions to the Universe, fully expecting your voice to be heard.

This symbol is particularly relevant with respect to the December New Moon. It reminds you that not only is a new day dawning, but also a whole new year.


Card 8 — Moon conjunct Saturn

If you picked this card, the energy of the Moon conjunct Saturn will resonate with you during this cycle. This aspect occurs on January 24th at the 24th degree of Sagittarius.

The Sabian Symbol for 24 Sagittarius is: “A bluebird, a sign of good luck and happiness, is standing at the door of a house.” 

Here we see the bluebird at the doorway of his own house, looking off into the distance while still keeping an eye on those in his care. This is an important feature of the Moon / Saturn conjunction. It refers to the ability to see opportunities on the horizon while attending to your responsibilities.

You may be thinking about relocating, or about what you can do to make changes in your home. This symbol speaks of taking care of what you have while being on the look out for things that can better your position.

You may run into some unexpected opportunities this month, or find yourself the recipient of someone’s else’s generosity. It’s going to be important to count the blessings you already have, if you want to truly appreciate those coming your way.

Card 9 — Moon conjunct Mercury

If you choose this card, the energy of the Moon conjunct Mercury will resonate with you during this cycle. This aspect occurs on January 25th at the 13th degree of Capricorn.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A fire-worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.

This is a time when you may feel like throwing yourself — with complete and utter abandon — into something that inspires you. You may be consumed with a newfound passion for something that propels you toward major life changes.

With respect to the Mercury conjunction — especially in Capricorn — it’s going to be important to focus your thoughts, and to reflect on where you want to channel your energy. This symbol is about finding your center, while reaching for your highest aspirations.

This is a time for meditating on the things that you are not only most passionate about but that are also within the realm of possibility. With Mercury retrograde for part of the month (until January 9th), it’s a time for reflecting on the changes you want to see in place before you put them into action.






about_sabian-oracleAre you interested in learning more about the Sabian Symbols? I highly recommend Lynda Hill’s website Sabian Symbols, as well as her book on the subject: The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

This book is phenomenal and represents a vast amount of research as well as Lynda’s unique take on each of the symbols. Lynda is a professional astrologer with over 30-years experience and a global clientele.

The Sabian Symbols were developed in 1925 when a clairvoyant medium (Elsie Wheeler) and an astrologer (Marc Edmund Jones) received messages from the world of spirit for every degree of the zodiac.

Thanks for taking part in this month’s Free New Moon Card Reading.

One lucky “liker” will WIN their choice between a FREE Natal Chart Astrology Report and a FREE Relationship Compatibility Astrology Report.

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Join us next month for the Aquarius New Moon Free Card Reading!


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