Numerology Card of the Week — Personal Growth

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 4th to June 10, 2016


Number 7 ~Personal Growth ~ This card indicates a time of significant growth and improvement, when you are being encouraged to be the best you can be.

This is a time to ask yourself, “Who am I” “What do I want from my life? and “What is preventing me from achieving it?”

When you ask yourself these questions, observe whatever comes up. Then acknowledge your mental and physical limitations, set realistic goals for overcoming them, and take the necessary steps to follow through. 

With desire and determination, you can reach your full potential.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to investigate anything that helps raise your conscious awareness and enhances your self-esteem.  

It may be a book, CD, online seminar, workshop, health program, or working with an energy worker , therapist, or life coach.  Whatever suits your needs.

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are leading you towards a time of significant growth and improvement.  As you improve yourself, you improve your quality of life.  As you raise your awareness, you align yourself with Source.

This is all you need to make your dreams come true.

Affirmation:  As I improve myself, I improve the circumstances of my life.






NGC-setAbout The Author: Michelle Buchanan is a speaker, teacher, and writer who has studied numerology for more than 20 years. She was formerly the spiritual counselor for Woman’s Day magazine (New Zealand), as well as the resident numerologist for Television New Zealand’s Good Morning. Michelle provides personal readings, workshops, and seminars to clients all over the world. She is also a talented singer/songwriter and dedicated mother of two based in New Zealand. Website:

Publisher:  HayHouse

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