5 Things to do if You are Single on Valentine’s Day

Romance? Who needs it right? With all the marketing, candy, flowers and a bombardment of romantic comedies on television, it can be a harsh reminder that you are still single, or maybe not.

You may have decided to embrace being single and have chosen it as a lifestyle, there is nothing wrong with that either.

However if you are feeling sad about it you can change that feeling into something more positive and change the way you look at your life.  Here are five ways to celebrate your singleness during Valentine’s day. the year’s most romantic holiday.

  1. Give this holiday some thought and perspective. First of all it’s a holiday where merchandisers are counting the money at the register. Couples who have been together a long time, either ignore the holiday or stress out on what they are getting their mate this year, or what they are going to do. They may find the holiday crass and just a way for others to make money. Some people in a relationship may be feeling sadder than you because their mate either forgot to get them something or didn’t plan a romantic getaway. The disappointment can be greater then. So be glad you are single and have the freedom to just be yourself and enjoy friends.
  2. Hang out with other single friends or check out the local single’s parties that may be available in your area. Sometimes pubs will put together events simply to celebrate “singleness” on Valentine’s Day. You could dance your sorrows away or just have fun with friends and mingle with other single people. New people you meet could become relationships or the beginnings of wonderful new friendships.
  3. Love yourself. Do something decadent like indulging in an all day spa, or buying yourself something you can’t resist. Its nice buying for yourself, bear in mind that married women or men don’t spend money on themselves as much as they do on the kids or each other. And couples may not think to buy what they really want or need for each other. So you have the opportunity to indulge in getting what you really want and paying attention to what you really need or want. Sure you may say that you do that every day, but be creative. Buy a ticket and plan a vacation, or send e-cards to all your friends on social networks on Valentine’s Day. Take a run around the park or go work out. This also alleviates stress and brings you back to center. It’s only one day after all.
  4. Enjoy being single. Let’s face it so many people end up with the wrong partners. Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, up to 40-50%, according to the American Psychological Association. The association states a variety of reasons why people divorce: they are too young, less educated, less income, they lived together first, pregnancy and it goes on and on. Being single shows you are smart enough not to get stuck with the wrong person. You have a chance to actually build your career and bank account, thus preparing yourself for a successful marriage once that comes you way. (Bear in mind that 90% of all people marry at one time in their lives) Most likely you are in that 90%, so you may not be single forever, unless you truly choose to be.
  5. Be happy with yourself. Forget those romantic “Jerry Maguire” lines, like “you complete me”, or “my better half”, or “two hearts that beat as one” there is no such thing and it’s just a bunch of romantic hogwash. Taking these things too seriously could result in co-dependent relationships or a relationship where you lose yourself in the other person. There is nothing healthy about that. Relationships don’t always end in “happily ever after.” The numbers affirm that with so many unhappy marriages and divorces that you’ve probably come across in your own experience through a friend or relative who is going through harsh times.

There is a lot to be said about being single on Valentine’s Day and every other day of the week. You have the freedom to be and do what you want, without the sleepless nights and worries if your mate loves you or not.

If you are looking for a mate or someone to spend your life with, be glad you staying single as long as you can. Those who are single longest tend to have happier relationships and marriages in the future. So hang in there, your number may come up soon where you join the 90% who’ve tried out marriage.

In the meantime love yourself this Valentine’s Day.




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