Tarot of the Week: Five of Pentacles

Five of PentaclesTarot Card of the Week: June 6 -June 12, 2016

Five of Pentacles

The New Mythic Tarot, is one of my favorite decks. All cards represent the characters in mythology that are our archetypal selves.

Homer told the story of Daedalus, who is represented in the Five of Pentacles. Daedalus was a proud man, full of ego. He was one of the greatest artists of his time and built and incredible labyrinth in Crete. He thought himself so brilliant that no other person could come close to what he could accomplish. The only one was his nephew Perdix, who was just as talented as he.

In this card he killed his nephew out of jealous and he creeps away from his workshop in darkness of midnight. The workshop behind him is adorned with pentacles at the door as a symbol of his great success. He must walk away from that success now to hide the murder and jealousy he committed.

A very sad story of ego and pride. So the Five of Pentacles is a warning card. When you see this in the reading you could be suffering a number of things. Loss, being the first, since Daedalus regretted his actions and went away in pain, therefore leaving us the fable, that we should be careful or AWARE of how we are seeing others.

Are we jealous? Does envy threaten to destroy us and make us lose everything? When we see the Five of Pentacles in a reading then you may want to do a self-check. Meditate on you, your feelings, what’s holding you back? Did a past experience or romance hold you back? This card is to help you face those things and work to overcome the past or even a present feeling about someone.

Perhaps this card doesn’t signify jealousy in your life at all. The loss you may feel about a past or the loss of financial security due to self-indulgent choices could be why this card appears. The good news about this card though is that any loss you may be experiencing, or any grief due to another person’s actions will most likely allow you the inner transformation to you need to regain material success and develop a more solid center. After a bad experience you may feel more grounded and ready to face the world.

When you look at the landscape of the card you’ll see it’s barren, dark skies and a building in the middle of nowhere. It reflects the condition of Daedelus’ soul. He is sneaking away, trying to get away from himself, and from what he’s done.

We often try to get away from ourselves or not face what is truly bothering us. Yet there is hope. The situation is temporary. As you can see the bright pentacles above the doorway, the also signify that what you have lost you can regain. Perhaps Daedelus cannot bring back his dead nephew, but he does restore his former glory and make restitution for this horrible mistake and crime.




From the time of its first publication in 1986, The Mythic Tarot has sold over a million copies in dozens of countries. Now, for this twenty-fifth anniversary edition, the text has been revised, brought up to date and the deck completely reillustrated by internationally renowned artist, Giovanni Caselli.

The New Mythic Tarot brings together all the elements that made the original version such a necessary deck for all tarot enthusiasts―a deck that depicts the gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines of the Greek myths and a book that helps the reader explore them as familiar archetypal characters, whose experiences mirror the shifts and patterns of daily life.

This fully revised and updated edition of one of the few true classic book and card tarot kits breathes fresh life into this standard work and will be welcomed by long-time devotees and new fans alike.




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