Tarot Card of the Week: Ten of Swords

10-of-swordsTarot Card of the Week: March 28 – April 3
Ten of Swords

The man in this card seems to be going through a tremendous amount of suffering, he doesn’t have just one sword at his back but 10! It appears he is going through some terrible misfortune. But the truth is he is going through a lot of DRAMA, not TRAUMA. A lot of the things he may be suffering are due to lack of faith or struggling upstream -through a path that seems very dark.

This week, I’m using the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, created by digital artist Ciro Marchetti. Inspired by the Rider-Waite, this exquisite and magical deck takes you into the heart of fantasy, yet the illustrations adequately portray the human “feeling” we all experience at one time or other.

The suit of Swords in Tarot represents the element of Air. These cards are associated with change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Like the other suits in tarot, they represent the human condition.

Not every day is the happy day we wish it to be, we sometimes have to resist forces outside ourselves and forces that turn us to the dark side of thinking. It can be a constant battle.

When you see a Swords card, you can pretty much count on making decisions that can be either constructive or destructive, depending on what direction you wish to go. Of all the suits in Tarot, Swords is considered powerful and dangerous, so when you see a swords card you have to alert that it’s time to take spiritual action against the “dark side.”

This particular card, 10 of Swords, shows us that when we hit rock bottom, and one disaster follows another, we can feel devastated at first. Someone you loved may have died, or you lost your job, or someone walked out on you. Bad luck could be raining on our heads putting us in a “victim” mentality.  We could be in a place where we feel the world is against us, everything said to us is suspect. You may also be feeling so down, that you wave off other people, telling them to go have fun without you, you want to be in pain alone.

The 10 of Swords indicates a tragedy or sad event. Those things are inevitable in this world.  You can try and laugh things off or wave them away, but your heart simply can’t be in it. You are heart broken and should allow the healing process to happen. This card is a reminder to check and review what’s happened, evaluate it and know you can’t go any lower, that you’ve reached a point where you know things will start to look up. That life goes on, and you are part of it and willing to participate again.

For the most part the card indicates you may be suffering the end of something, but it also shows a release, somewhat like having surgery, it’s painful, but the worst is over and the body heals, just like the spirit heals. The thing to remember when you see this card is the worst is over, and with all endings come new beginnings, rebirth and a rejuvenation of the spirit. Although the poor, woeful man looks like he is suffering at first glance, he still looks strong enough to conquer the foe, to get through the pain and become reborn.

So when you see this particular card, reevaluate what is going on, accept the circumstances and let go. The 10 of cards is all about allowing change to come, even if it’s causing initial pain you are ready to accept what comes and deal with it rather than fighting against it.






Step into a lost world from long ago with the Legacy of the Divine Tarot.

A world veiled in darkness after a cataclysmic collision that stilled the earth. Millennia have passed and only humankind has survived―through the divine gift of dreams.

Exquisitely rich and magical, this new Rider-Waite-Smith-based tarot deck by digital artist Ciro Marchetti takes you into the heart of fantasy. You can use this legacy from ages past to discover what you need for your own life as it guides you toward hope, wisdom, and inspiration.

The companion guidebook,Gateway to the Divine Tarot, presents the author’s interpretation of each card’s significance, along with additional perspectives from experts in the tarot community, including Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, James Ricklef, and Leisa ReFalo.

The Legacy of the Divine Tarot was published by Llewellyn.






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