
Tarot Card of the Week: Page of Pentacles

Crystal Visions - Page of PentaclesTarot Card of the Week: Feb 6 – Feb 12, 2017

Page of Pentacles

This week we have a Full Moon lunar eclipse in the warm, creative, expressive sign of Leo. Leo is confident and dynamic, a natural performer who loves to take center stage.

This archetype is known for its interest in the arts. It gravitates toward the many different areas of creative self-expression, like theater, music, poetry, art and other creative endeavors.

But Leo knows that you have to take the time to develop and perfect your skills before you can be ready to unleash them on the public. Much like that Page of Pentacles — this version from Jennifer Galasso’s Crystal Visions Tarot.

The Page of Pentacles may be someone in your life; if so he or she is here to teach you something. This person may be immersed in a hobby or trade; he or she may be a student or apprentice; and he or she may just starting a new job and filled with all the inspiration and anticipation that comes with taking on a brand new project.

Here we see a young woman seated high up in the branches of a tree. This may be her sacred space: if you look around you can see where she’s carved figures of woodland nymphs into the surrounding branches.