
Tarot Card of the Week: Temperance

temperanceTarot Card of the Week: Sept 21 – Sept 27


The card for this week, Temperance, is from The Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffman. It is the number 14 card in the Major Arcana. Its ruling sign is Sagittarius, would signify the letter S and tells us patience, adaption, tempering balance or bringing together of two opposites.

Let’s take a look at the imagery of this card, which brings all the ingredients into the sturdy mixer to combine together for the balance we need. Add equal parts of joy and sorrow, anger and forgiveness, justice and compassion. Mix on high for two minutes until well blended.

Temperance is a delicious and healthy combination of opposite sides of the spectrum – a heaping helping of compromise or cooperation in marriage, relationships or partnerships. Spoon this mixture into every aspect of your life.

This card can either mean you need to find balance within yourself, or are working to achieve the balance you need. It’s all about working through whatever issues may be causing you to feel unbalanced.

Relax, People Tell You All The Time, But How Do You Do It?


Relax is easy to say, but often very hard to do.

I hear it all the time, you just need to relax. What they don’t tell me is how to go about it. Oh sure, they say just breathe, do yoga or meditate, but how do I shut off my mind so I can actually do any of these things.

While I just usually say thanks for the advice and then go off and figure out my own way to relax, I didn’t take into account how many other people are just like me. This was actually brought to my attention recently by one of my favorite personal clients.

She is the type of client that realizes a reading can’t fix things for her, but instead guide her through the process. She has graciously allowed me to share her story with you, but for confidentiality, I will be calling her Miss M.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Ten of Pentacles

deviant moon ten of pentaclesTarot Card of the Week: August 24 – August 30

Ten of Pentacles

Pentacles are a suit of money and material things, tangible in the here and now. The number ten represents completion through perfection.

This week’s card, the Ten of Pentacles, is from the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza.

While the picture on the card may seem a little ominous, and people fear a pentacle, I promise this is one good card to get in a reading.

The Ten of Pentacles is represented by the Lord of Wealth, it is the element of Earth, the earth signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, the season is Winter, the direction of North and the herb is the Wild Yam. The wild yam is used as an estrogen replacement, disorders of the intestines, diverticulosis, gall bladder pain, and for increasing energy.

The key parts of the Ten of Pentacles are prosperity, property inherited wealth, more than may have been expected. Material security founded on the work of others, family matters stabilized.

Now let’s take a closer look at what these things can mean for you in the different areas of your life:

Tarot Card Reading, Frightened or Enlightened

Tarot card readings, frightened or enlightened, depending on the deck being used, I can see why some can cause you to be more frightened than enlightened.

What most people do not understand about the pictures they portray, the meaning is still the same and really depends on where they fall in a reading or the question being asked.

The unknown is always frightening, and the tarot seems to be an unknown place for so many people.

They are often portrayed on television as something only used by dark witches using black magic and that is far from the truth. They will usually show cards that come across as dark and evil, often the death, devil or tower cards. What they don’t tell you is they are usually not as bad as they seem.

Tarot Card of The Week Six of Wands

Six of WandsTarot Card of the Week: Jun 3 – June 9, 2015

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands, taken from the Crystal Visions Tarot, is a card of victory, triumph and success, so a very good card for an outcome.

Wands represent fire, and the Six of Wands reflects the Zodiac sign of Leo. We can see all of this in the picture depicted on the card.

The champion emerges from the struggle as a hero. He stands on a mountain top holding a torch of victory in one hand and a crystal ball in the other, a symbol of vision and enlightenment. The triumphant lion (Leo) beside him is a symbol of strength and power.

The number six in its numerical value is the caretaker, harmonious, stable and balanced. Hawthorne is the medicinal aspect of the six of wands, it’s often used for issues regarding the blood and heart.

Other medical issues involving lowering cholesterol and digestive problems. Just keep in mind, before taking anything, always check with your physician.

Upright, the Six of Wands is a card of triumph, victory after strife or effort. Success, good news, advancement as a result of previous work. It can also signify a journey over land.

Skeptical of Psychic or Tarot Readings, It’s Okay


I have a confession to make here: even though I have been doing these readings for many years, I went through a couple of bouts of being skeptical myself.

While I know that may seem strange for someone like me to say, but it’s the truth. There were times when I didn’t want to do this work because I was afraid of saying the wrong thing and hurting people.

Other times, I couldn’t help but wonder if what I was putting in my readings were actually just my own thoughts of how I wanted things to be for the person getting the reading. This has come to mind most often when I was doing readings for friends and family.

When I was very young, I heard voices, saw things I didn’t understand and just seem to know things without any idea of why I knew them.

Lucky for me I had a Gram that was able to explain it all to me because the same things happened with her. While she embraced it, I wanted nothing to do with any of it because it scared me.

Social Media, Helping or Hurting Your Relationship

Every day I log onto a social media site, someone is spreading their intimate life secrets across the globe. Not just their thoughts, anger, disappointments, but some even add complete details. Funny how someone else mentions some things are too personal and they get a nasty reply that it’s none of their business. If you post it for all your friend’s list, not to mention the public, you just made it everyone’s business.

Silly me, I use social media to promote my business, keep in touch with family and friends, find recipes or interesting ideas and get to share pictures or memories with loved ones that live far away. I have a smart phone and tablet, but most times don’t even know where they are because they are not tethered to my hand.

This brings up a bone of contention with me, people who are so busy posting and texting, their phone never leaves their hand. Sitting down to dinner should be family time where you talk to each other, nothing important is happening you can’t wait until dinner is over that you need to constantly check your social media pages. It should be more important to stay connected to your partner and children than people you don’t even really know except on social media.

Knowing What You Don’t Want In A Relationship

How often do we hear people saying they have a list of things they want to find in a relationship? I don’t think I ever hear anyone saying what they don’t want.

When talking about relationships, be they friends, family or love, most people have a good idea of what they expect to get or what they should give. Most never consider what they really don’t want in those type of relationships.

In love relationships, we often focus on looks, financial success and the list goes on of good qualities. Do we ever focus on the bad qualities we don’t want?

If your childhood was full of drama and chaos, would you want that for your own children? If your father or mother were abusive, should you accept the same fate just because the other person is good looking or can offer financial stability?

Instead of looking for those good qualities, it might be better to look at how they treat other people, especially their own family.

Making Necessary Changes For The New Year

Make necessary changes

As we head into the New Year, social media is filled with people posting their resolutions for the coming year.

Dieting and exercise are two of the most common things being posted. It won’t take long before the excuses begin to appear why those resolutions are going down the drain.

You have to cook for your family, so it’s hard for you to diet. Diet food is too expensive and you are too busy to follow through.

You can’t afford a gym membership, you don’t like going to the gym alone, or you are too busy. Looks like the same list, same excuses, just a different year. I, myself, have made some of those same resolutions and the excuses are very familiar. There was no list of resolutions for me this year, instead I decided to make changes.

Dieting and exercise may be what you need to change but first making changes on the inside may bring about the things you want to change on the outside.

If you are stressed, your life full of clutter and chaos, how can you expect to achieve anything? Start this year by decluttering your life, and change the way you look at yourself.

How you feel inside can truly affect the way you show yourself to others. If you are uncomfortable in your own skin, you project this to the outside world. Let’s begin to change your mindset and make you more comfortable with yourself.

Removing Your Own Negative Energy

I know you have seen the many web sites out there with someone offering to remove negative energy that is causing the problems in your life.

How do they say it works? You pay them huge amounts of money and they will do the work or a spell from their end.

How do you know they are actually doing anything but taking your money and sitting back waiting for it to hit their bank accounts?

While negative energy can cause you problems in your life, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to tell you how to remove the bad energy yourself and know it works?

Often during readings for my clients I do pick up on negative energy around them, I do not however, offer to remove it for them but instead give them the tools necessary to do their own work.

First is to know how that negative energy is coming into your life. Sometimes it’s our own thoughts and actions. Once you know this, you can begin to remove those thoughts and action from your daily life and move on to more positive aspects. To say you will never have negative thoughts or do something to bring about negative energy would be to say you would have to live in a fairy tale and we know that’s not healthy.

Ms. Yvonne

Hello my name is Ms. Yvonne. I received my abilities at a very young age having been passed down to me by my maternal great grandmother and paternal grandmother, however, I didn’t know exactly how to use them. I started my spiritual journey in my early twenties, and have been on a constant quest to further my gift.

I’ve been doing readings and spiritual counseling for over 25 years. In the early 90’s, I began to question my ability. I had to be sure I was actually getting the messages and not just projecting my own thoughts. I was fortunate enough to find a wonderful teacher that helped me reaffirm my true ability.

In 2003 I became an ordained minister through the Universal Life Church.

Finding a Soul Mate

soul mate

Have you found your soul mate yet? Are you still looking for your soul mate? Where the heck do you find your soul mate? What is the definition of a soul mate? Are these the type of questions you are always asking yourself?

I do psychic readings and if I had a dime for every time someone came to me asking about their soul mate, I could buy my own island.

I have to wonder if most of these people even have an idea of what a soul mate is so I looked up the definition in Webster’s Dictionary.

It says: 1. A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament. 2. A person who strongly resembles another person in attitudes and beliefs.

My take is someone that is pretty much just like me. Someone with the same temperament, attitudes and beliefs. Does that mean someone who acts, thinks and behaves just like me? Is there really only one person out there in the whole world that would fit this description and would I really want to spend every day of my life with essentially a clone of me.