
Tarot Card of the Week: Princess of Wands

Princess of Wands

Tarot Card of the Week: Sept 4 – Sept 10, 2017

Princess of Wands

It’s good to be alive! With Mercury, Venus, Mars and the North Node all in Leo at the start of the week, it’s a good time for strutting your stuff and showing the rest of the world all that you are made of.

It’s also a good time to trust your instincts, pursue your passions and revel in the spirit of adventure.

The Princess of Wands (the Druid Craft Tarot’s version of the Page of Wands) — is all about seizing the moment and embracing your experiences with every fiber of your being.

The Princess of Wands is passionate, confident and adventurous. She’s not afraid to put herself out there and show the rest of the world what she’s made of. She’s enthusiastic and eager to make things happen. She may not always think things through though; she’s more interested in getting things moving than seeing them through to fruition.

Like all of the Pages in the tarot, there’s the promise of a wide open road ahead of you. A world of possibilities that have yet to be discovered. And unlimited resources for you to tap into.

Tarot Card of the Week: Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: April 25 – May 1, 2015

Seven of Swords

With five planets in retrograde motion by the end of this week — for the first time in over 10 years — you will need to give some serious thought to everything you say and communicate to others.

You may even want to keep your thoughts to yourself. At least until you’ve got a good handle on them and know where you stand. You want to be clear on what you need to withhold and what you may want to share with others, long before you speak.

Remember though that retrogrades don’t only refer to retracing your steps. They also require you to turn inward and evaluate your thoughts from a more personal perspective, and because of this you don’t want to discount the ideas that come to you during this time.

The Seven of Swords — like all Sevens — requires you to weigh the different aspects of a complicated situation, and arrive at a solution that causes the least amount of distress.

It can refer to a moral dilemma or one with no easy answer, such as a decision that favors the head over the heart. But it also involves strategy, planning and cunning.

Tarot Card of the Week: Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: Nov 30 – Dec 6, 2015

Queen of Swords

Decisions that you make this week will require you to use intellect and logic rather than emotions and intuition.

The Queen of Swords signals a need for discipline. Whether you’re acting in this capacity or dealing with someone who embodies these qualities — like authority, self-reliance and impartiality — this week you will need to rise to the occasion.

The Queen of Swords in most decks can be rather cold and austere. She can be critical and judgmental, detached from her emotions and unwilling to compromise her convictions but this version emphasizes wisdom and maturity.

Notice the silver hair and tattered robes in this version — from the Druidcraft Tarot. She’s not here to impress anyone. She knows who she is and is comfortable in her own skin.

She doesn’t wield her sword like a weapon; she caresses it gently, just as her bare feet keep her grounded and rooted to the earth and the feather in her headdress keeps her connected to the wisdom and teachings of her ancestors. 

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Cups


Tarot Card of the Week: August 3 – August 9

Eight of Cups

This week’s card is the Eight of Cups from the Druid Craft Tarot created by Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Philip Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington.

Are you on the right path in regard to relationships, career or a yearning for something more meaningful in an area of your life? Do you have a deep desire to take some sort of action, or even relocate to a new area? Perhaps you are needing a retreat to recharge?

The Eight of Cups indicates it may be time to ask yourself what you can do to bring a deeper satisfaction and meaning to your life.

You may be seeking a deeper meaning to an area of your life or need to focus on your personal truth or pursue deeper, more spiritual goals at this time.

Thus, the Eight of Cups is often reflective of the start of a journey of discovery, particularly on an emotional and spiritual level.

Is something calling you that you are prepared to walk away from? Or are you holding on to something that needs to be let go?