
Tarot Card of the Week: Prince of Wands


Tarot Card of the Week: Nov 28 – Dec 4, 2016

Prince of Wands

If there is something you have been aiming for and are not sure how to accomplish it, then this is the time to jump in with both feet and just go for it!

The Prince of Wands — this is the King of Wands from Cathy McClelland’s Star Tarot — implies that you have many changes coming your way and you are not afraid to reach out and grab them.

There are tools around for you to use that facilitate the journey you take to bring about these changes.

The Unicorn in this card and the background it runs in front of suggests that for a while now you have not been sure what to do but you have never given up knowing that you are going to do something big.

Suddenly, the answers have come to you and your joy is written across your face for everyone to see. With this week’s New Moon in fiery Sagittarius, you will see that nothing will hold you back; if anyone tries they’ll have more to contend with than they realise.

Tarot Card of the Week: Six of Scrolls

Six of Scrolls

Tarot Card of the Week: Sept 19 – Sept 25, 2016

Six of Scrolls

This is a time when wisdom meets hopes and dreams. The elephant in this card portrays that which is ancient and wise and the knowledge which a person like this can bestow on you.

Keep your ears open this week for one such as this because it seems as if they have something very wise and nurturing to give you in the form of words and knowledge.

There is almost a spiritual connotation to this card — the Six of Scrolls from the beautiful Chrysalis Tarot — as the colour purple surrounds the elephant (giver of wisdom and knowledge).

You may find that you go within yourself to draw out that which is wise and strong… that which you always knew. With this knowledge a transformation takes place within you.

The point where the woman in this card touches the elephant’s forehead with her own is where the 6th chakra lays. This is where psychic information flows in and out and relays that the knowledge and wisdom you attain does not need to be from books but is simply “known” by you.

Tarot Card of the Week: Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Tarot Card of the Week: July 25 – Aug 31, 2016

Four of Wands

If you look back over the past several months, what would you say your greatest accomplishments would be?

This image — from the Fantastical Tarot’s Four of Wands — shows your imagination running away with you and perhaps there is something that was left out for you that you wish to carry over into the coming months.

Do not be concerned that you have failed in any way as the timing may have been that you laid down the groundwork for your dream and are now coming up to a point where you can release it.

The garden (your plan) is well tended. You have laid out some very impressive groundwork in getting yourself started.

The four pillars are lined with symbols of growth alongside the green beacons which further shine for you and give you inspiration. The Four of Wands represents the completion of a goal: something you set your mind to and saw to fruition.

The hill in the background is vividly green even under the light of a full moon at night and this implies that you will find the answers you seek for you plan without much need for more searching.

Tarot Card of the Week: Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Tarot Card of the Week: July 11 – July 17, 2016

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups — this version from the beautiful Secret Language of Birds Tarot — is all about romance, affection, flirtation, intimacy, communion and most of all love.

And what better card to describe this week’s transit of both Mercury and Venus moving into the warm, dramatic and benevolent sign of Leo?

Aces represent new and unformed energy. As Cups refer to emotions, intuition and feelings, it’s likely to manifest on one of these levels.

It’s all about seeing your capacity to love and express feelings mirrored right back to you — through a new love interest, a friend or family member, or the eyes of a child.

You may be starting a new relationship or expressing yourself romantically — whether or not a serious relationship develops from that flirtation. As with all Aces, the energy is so new and so unformed that a myriad of possibilities is completely within your reach.

Tarot Card of the Week: Ace of Swords

Morgan Greer - Ace of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: May 30, 2016-June 5, 2016

Ace of Swords

If there is something you need to tackle this week, make sure you have your facts straight first.

The Ace of Swords — this version from the beautiful Morgan Greer Tarot — denotes thoughts, mental agility and the use of these things in your life.

It may be that you are trying to decide something and need to weigh up both sides of your decision to see what options you have or it may be that you are “hit” with a new idea or thought and want to get it off the ground before the momentum leaves.

Either way this is a great time to flex your mental agility and perhaps put some of it to the test. If there is anything you have been putting off that requires concentration on your part then you may that that comes more easily for you this week.

You may be quite surprised with what you come up with as the image of the sword in this card looks so solid and stable. As it cuts its way through the crown you can see there are two different versions of greenery being shown.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Empress

Medieval Enchantment

Tarot Card of the Week: May 9, 2016 – May 15, 2016

The Empress

It’s time to take things easy, sit back and not react to what is going on around you. Why should you when you are feeling so calm and emotionally relaxed?

This is the Empress card, from Nigel Jackson’s beautiful Medieval Enchantment Tarot. It represents feminine strength and power, regardless of gender.

There is a grand earth trine involving Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in play this week, which should be giving you a sense of peace and also the capacity to clear up any emotional problems you have been experiencing or trying to get to the bottom of.

With the planets of communications (Mercury), love (Venus), personal expansion (Jupiter) and depth (Pluto) all lining up in unison, not much can go wrong for you and it is a great chance to become clear in your own mind where you want to go next.

Venus and Mercury are especially prominent as they join together on the degree of last week’s New Moon. So if there is something you want to express to a loved one, this is the time to do it.

As all this happens in the calm, earthy and sensuous sign of Taurus, remember to take your time in composing your thoughts and to speak from the heart. 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Star

Sorcerers Tarot - Star

Tarot Card of the Week: April 4 – April 10, 2016

The Star

Coming on the heels of last week’s Ten of Swords, what a treat it is to see such an uplifting symbol of hope and inspiration that is seen here in the Star card.

As Venus moves through the last degrees of Pisces — along with the Moon as it completes its 28-day cycle (in anticipation of the New Moon on the 7th) — what better card to describe the illuminating thoughts and ideas that are running through your mind… or should I say gently coming to the surface of your thoughts in a way that is so clear and calming that you wonder why you didn’t see them before.

Any problems you have been having that you’ve been finding it difficult to find yourself clear of may start to take on a life of their own today as they fall back and you enjoy the inspirational and creative aspects of the Moon and Venus in Pisces.

The woman in this card is transfixed on a multi faceted Star which hovers above her open hands. She appears to be almost in a trance as she reflects on the glowing Star before her.

This is a time when you don’t have to push for answers, ideas or actions… it is a day to just sit back and daydream to the surface what you have for so long been trying to get to the bottom of.

Tarot Card of the Week: Judgment

Tarot of Trees Banner

Tarot of Trees - Judgement

Tarot Card of the Week: Mar 7 – Mar 13, 2016


One little thought can go a long way. This week’s card — Judgment from Dana Driscoll’s Tarot of Trees — ties in beautifully with the upcoming New Moon (super moon) Total Solar Eclipse (on March 8th/9th).

If you are trying to decide something or feel you are being judged by others, take note that what you actually think about yourself holds a lot more weight than what others do.

When it comes to your life you are the only person you have to answer to so don’t go running around in circles trying to please everyone else as you may end up pleasing no one… least of all yourself.

Look at the root system in the lower image of the card. There is a striking resemblance to a figure running around with new growth sprouting from their head.

Tarot Card of the Week: Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: Feb 15 – Feb 21, 2016

Five of Swords

This week’s card is the Five of Swords, this version from the beautiful Yoga Tarot.

This is a card that usually denotes friction, sharp words with others or even legal disputes.

However, the imagery on this version looks as if the friction, negative thoughts or any disputes you are having are within your “self” and it is time to look within for the answers and seek inner clarity.

There is something very “night and day” about this card. It is as if you can just extend your hand through an invisible shield and there you have the opposite thought, feeling or circumstance to what you are experiencing now in the present.

You are poised, you are in alignment, you are concentrating and yet what you see is a mirror image with perhaps no answers just yet in what you are trying to achieve and indeed what you may be trying to achieve is calmness and contemplation itself without the need to act or speak out.

To just let all around you take its course while you remain calm and untouched yet always with the awareness of what is going on without and within you.

Tarot Card of the Week: Six of Wands

Six of Wands

Tarot Card of the Week: Jan 4 – Jan 10, 2016

Six of Wands

This week may see you getting some much-deserved approval or recognition from your peers.

The Six of Wands refers to support, approval and acclaim, brought about by something you’ve worked hard to achieve.

Is there something you have been aiming for that has possibly seemed out of reach? If so, this is the week to reach out, grab it and make it your own.

You may have been putting a lot of effort into your work and not even realizing that others have taken notice. Or you could be unexpectedly pulled aside by a loved one, just to tell you how much you’re loved and appreciated.

You may not know where it will take you but what you do know is that it is for your greater good and that there is a fair degree of growth attached to it. Intellectually you are soaring.

This is a good time to put your head down and study or if you have written work to complete now is the time to do so. The path you are on is about to take you on a leap possibly beyond your wildest dreams and you should be aiming high as that star is easily within your reach.

December 2015 Horoscopes

December Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Sagittarius! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:

New Moon: The New Moon occurs on December 11th at 19° Sagittarius 02′.

Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on December 25th at 3° Cancer 19′.

Retrogrades: Uranus goes direct on December 26th.

Ingresses: Venus enters Scorpio on December 5th, Mercury enters Capricorn on December 10th; the Sun enters Capricorn on December 22nd; Venus enters Sagittarius December 30th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

Tarot Card of the Week: Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: Nov 30 – Dec 6, 2015

Queen of Swords

Decisions that you make this week will require you to use intellect and logic rather than emotions and intuition.

The Queen of Swords signals a need for discipline. Whether you’re acting in this capacity or dealing with someone who embodies these qualities — like authority, self-reliance and impartiality — this week you will need to rise to the occasion.

The Queen of Swords in most decks can be rather cold and austere. She can be critical and judgmental, detached from her emotions and unwilling to compromise her convictions but this version emphasizes wisdom and maturity.

Notice the silver hair and tattered robes in this version — from the Druidcraft Tarot. She’s not here to impress anyone. She knows who she is and is comfortable in her own skin.

She doesn’t wield her sword like a weapon; she caresses it gently, just as her bare feet keep her grounded and rooted to the earth and the feather in her headdress keeps her connected to the wisdom and teachings of her ancestors.