
Tarot Card of the Week: The Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Tarot of the Week: Sep 5, 2016- Sep 11, 2016

Eight of Pentacles

Tarot Card of the Week: The Eight of Pentacles  – Raising the Bar to Achieve a Dream.

This week, you might be raising the bar to achieve a dream and hammering away at obstacles to achieve success.

The planet Mercury is retrograde in the zodiac sign of Virgo and you might be dealing with Murphy’s Snafus (unexpected obstacles).

Just keep hammering away and don’t give up on your dream.

On the bright side, Mercury Retrograde is the time when we turn our thoughts inwards and we are more tuned into our intuition!

The Eight of Pentacles is all about entering the apprenticeship phase. In the upright position, this card means you raised the bar to achieve success.

The obstacles of the past will be history because you hammered away at the work load and did not give up.

The Eight of Pentacles is associated with the planet Mercury (how the mind works) and the zodiac sign of Virgo (the combination of Mercury in Virgo makes you work hard and pay attention to details).

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Tarot Card of the Week: July 18, 2016  – July 24, 2016

Eight of Pentacles

This is a good week for you to tap into your creative potential and throw yourself into your very own personal labor of love.

This isn’t about punching a clock somewhere and wishing the day was over so you could get back to whatever it is you really enjoy. It’s about finding that thing you truly want to do and figuring out a way to turn it into a livelihood.

The Eight of Pentacles — this version from the beautiful Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law — is first and foremost a craftsmanship card. It refers to honing and refining your craft in a way that only you can. What better representation of this is there than a spider spinning a web?

There is perfection in the imperfection, as seen in the elegant gossamer strands that interconnect with one another to create a masterpiece.

The “pentacles” in this rendition are eight shimmering stars woven into this spider’s web. The morning light reflects off of them — a testament to this spider’s early start. She wouldn’t rise so early to do something she didn’t want to do, and ideally neither would you.