Numerology Card of the Week — Environment

environmentThe Numerology Card of the Week

for Jan 28th  to Feb 3, 2017

Number 44 ~ Environment 

This card indicates a time to focus on environmental awareness by educating yourself about what’s going on behind the scenes.

Honor Mother Earth as a living, breathing entity, and recognize that we are privileged to be here as her guests.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to dig deep and look beyond the surface to question whether your personal and political decisions are in the best interests of planet Earth.

This card also encourages you to recycle and to use environmentally friendly products where you can.  Perhaps you could explore organic foods or try growing your own fruits and vegetables.

The more aware and self sufficient you become, the more control you have over your health and what you put into your body.

Tarot Card of the Week: Queen of Wands

Tarot of Trees Banner


Tarot Card of the Week: Jan 23 – Jan 29, 2017

Queen of Wands

This is going to be good week for standing out in a crowd and showcasing your many talents.

Whether you’re trying to make an impression at work or are hoping to leave your mark on the world in other ways, you should have no problem making your presence known.

The Queen of Wands — this version from Dana Driscoll’s Tarot of Trees — is warm, vibrant, confident and creative. She knows how to lead with her heart and to garner the respect of others.

She embodies the feminine or yin aspects of Fire (wands) energy: warmth, enthusiasm, energy and drive. She’s regal and majestic; dynamic and refined; confident and authoritative. She’s creative, expressive and passionate. She’s also very worldly and knowledgeable.

She may be someone in your life, an event or a part of yourself. She may be a supervisor, a parent, a friend or even some facet of yourself that has long been dormant.

Numerology Card of the Week — Leadership

The Numerology Card of the Week

for Jan 21st  to Jan 27, 2017

Number 81 ~ Leadership: 

This card indicates a time to lovingly lead and guide others who are less capable than you are.

This may apply to your work-place, community, family, or circle of friends.

This card indicates a role as leader in your field. 

You may choose to rise to the top of your game with your unique talents, or to lovingly lead others to a new and improved way of life.

Either way, it’s time to step up to the plate and adopt a position of authority, for you have a natural ability to lead.

In order to better your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are encouraging you to be a compassionate leader. 

Tarot Card of the Week: Knight of Swords


Tarot Card of the Week: Jan 16, 2017 – Jan 22, 2017

Knight of Swords

This week you want to be on your toes and prepared for whatever opportunities — or peril — that comes your way.

The Knight of Swords — this version from the gorgeous Love and Mystery Tarot — is sharp, focused and purposeful, aware of his (or her) environment and quick to act if need be.

In traditional Rider Waite type decks the Knight of Swords is literally a knight in shining armor, charging ahead into battle or to rescue his fair maiden.

But here we have a young hipster-soldier girl standing watch under a bird-filled sky. She herself resembles a bright and colorful bird, from her hair to her coloring to her clothing to her complete immersion in the scene before her.

But these birds aren’t flying south for the winter: they’re circling above her in what could be a menacing formation. She keeps her sword ready but holds it behind her until she knows for sure.

The Knight of Swords often delivers news. Sometimes it’s good news and sometimes it’s not. But like the young warrior in our card, your main objective should be to stay alert and be prepared to act quickly and decisively either way.

Numerology Card of the Week — Health

The Numerology Card of the Week

for Jan 14th to Jan 20, 2017

Number 71 ~ Health:  This card indicates a need to focus on your well being and self care. 

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to explore practices and behaviors that can enhance your physical, emotional and mental health.

Whether you explore conventional or alternative methods, it’s important at this time to put your health and happiness first.

You can seek professional assistance if you need to, or make improvements on your own.

Some of the basic necessities for optimal health are regular checkups, good nutrition, exercise, drinking plenty of water, getting a good night’s sleep, detoxification, going outside in nature, engaging in relaxing activities, avoiding toxic people and environments, maintaining a positive mind set, meditation or yoga.

Tarot Card of the Week: Ace of Coins

ace of coins

Tarot Card of the Week: Jan 9, 2017 – Jan 15, 2017

Ace of Coins

You know exactly what you are doing this week and will not be swayed by luck or chance.

The figure in this image — the Ace of Coins from the Chinese Tarot — holds an I Ching coin which is used for divination purposes; however there are no question marks surrounding what you need to next to proceed and you do not need any divination tools to tell you what needs to be done.

You are already packed and ready to go on a new venture and are ready for whatever comes your way.

If there is a new venture you have been wanting to start do not delay. You know what you need to do next and the energy in the red blossoms clinging to the tree despite the signs of a strong wind only spur you on to take your first step forward into the unknown… or is it the known?

With Mercury now in direct motion and preparing to move back into Capricorn, there is a lot of stability and security around you. This means you will not be second guessing what is coming next. My money would be on you knowing exactly what is coming next and where it is coming from.

Numerology Card of the Week — Nature

NatureThe Numerology Card of the Week

for Jan 7th to Jan 13, 2017

Number 74 ~ Nature:  As I look at this card all I want to do is laugh mainly because I am in the middle of a Blizzard. 

However, for most of you this card means to spend quality time out in nature because nature has the ability to heal.

It has the qualities to replenish you when you’re feeling tired, anxious, or depressed. 

Even a ten minute walk outside will help revitalize, balance, and ground you.

By drawing this card you are being encouraged to improve your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by walking along the beach or in a garden or park.

You can accomplish this by going hiking through the forest, bush, mountains, or along a lake or stream, or even in a snow storm! 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Emperor

The Emperor – The Journey of the Commander in Chief

This week, you might be on the journey of the commander in chief. Once upon a time you became the commander in chief of your lifestyle. You grew up and came into your power to be the master of your destiny and decided to create a long-lasting foundation.

You are the Hero, the Emperor who is associated with a continuous cycle of change and the seventy-eight passageways of growth that will open up and lead you into new opportunities that are ready to be explored.

Tarot Card of the Week: King of Cups

Tarot of the Week: Dec. 26 – Jan 1
King of Cups

The King of Cups sits thoughtfully as depicted in Mystic Dreamer Tarot (by Heidi Darras and Barbara Moore . He is a man of urgent passions, intelligent and ready to solve any problem that comes his way. Behind him are turbulent seas, shadows and darkness, but it doesn’t seem to faze him much because relies on his strength and judgement.  He may seem frustrated, but he skillfully calms himself among the turbulence to think things through.

The suit of Cups is all about compassion, love, strength and empathy. The King of Cups represents the balance between emotions and intellect. You may be thinking with your heart, but the King of Cups urges you to think with your head and looks at things in a different perspective.

When you see the King of Cups you can be assured you are very much in control of the situation.  You have a deep understanding of your feelings and you are ready to connect accordingly. When life throws you a curve ball, you can draw from the strength of your maturity level, and really take a thoughtful look at what is good for you, and what is not. You also can look at a situation while everyone else is panicking and approach the chaos around you with grace.

Tarot Card of the Week: The World


Tarot Card of the Week: Dec 19 – Dec 25, 2016

The World

This week’s card  — The World from the beautiful Christmas Tarot — is all about looking at the bigger picture and tracing the steps that have led you to where you are today.

It’s a card of fulfillment and completion; recognizing milestones that have passed and goals that have been achieved as you prepare to close the door on one chapter in your life and open another.

You may be setting new goals in place or you may be taking some time to celebrate how far you’ve come. You may be also thinking about the year ahead and the changes you want to set in motion.

As the last card in the tarot, the World complete’s the Fool’s journey, with the understanding that he’s grown, evolved and matured along the way.

This card can also have you thinking about where you fit in in the world and about your contributions to humanity. It speaks of not only realizing your dreams and achieving your goals, but also becoming one with the Universe, fulfilled and complete.

Numerology Card of the Week — Karmic Completion

Karmic CompletionThe Numerology Card of the Week

for Dec 17th  to Dec 23rd , 2016

Number 10 ~ Karmic Completion:  This card indicates the end of a karmic lesson or cycle where you have successfully cleared a contract or debt from your past.

This could refer to a challenging situation you have conquered in your life or a troubling experience with an individual that involved a great deal of effort or pain.

Even though there are ongoing lessons to confront throughout the course of your  life, you will never have to experience this particular lesson again.

This card also represents the wheel of fortune, where whatever goes up must also come down.  Just as the tides are constantly ebbing and flowing, you are encouraged to adapt to both the highs and lows in your life.

For it is in your ability to adapt that you will make your dreams come true.  By stating This too shall pass in the face of each and every experience you will remain centered, grounded, and stable.

Tarot Card of the Week: Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Tarot Card of the Week: Dec 12 – Dec 18, 2016

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups is the card for this week and I’m using one of my favorite decks, Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso.

The picture on the card of the loving mother cuddling her sweet baby close to her while the father wraps his arms around his beautiful family truly shows the meaning of the Ten of Cups.

The Ten of Cups represents The Lord of Perfected Success. Its element is Water, the season is Summer and the direction is West. The Zodiac signs are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

The ten of any suit in the Tarot, especially with the Ten of Cups, is always a good card. It will be a sign of new growth and better things to come as you move forward.

The Ten of Cups depicts a happy card, happy family, happy life and also true friendships. It’s a card of joy and peaceful fulfillment.

In your Career, the ten of cups will mean you’ve reached a level of respect for your good work. That doesn’t mean you can just kick back and relax, but keep working toward your goal of where you want to be for success.