Articles for this day of March 6, 2017

Tarot Card of the Week: Five of Cups

Five of Cups

Tarot Card of the Week: March 6 – March 12, 2017

Five of Cups

If you are experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation this week, you might want to ask yourself whether you’re seeing the full picture.

The Five of Cups is often tied to feelings of disappointment and regret. You may be feeling shut out at time when you most needed to be let in; rejected at a time when you most wanted to feel included.

There may be some anger here as well, as in feeling duped in some way or betrayed. But in this version — from Cathy McClelland’s gorgeous Star Tarot — the emphasis is more on what has been lost than on what can be gained.

The woman in this card focuses on the three cups spilled at her feet rather than the two that are still left and are overflowing with symbols of happiness and joy.

She can’t even see them as she’s so busy protecting herself from the elements (the rain and storm clouds brewing behind her) and focusing on what she’s lost.